6.07 21 is the Loneliest Number
[Rory and Logan are on the couch in the pool-house, kissing]
Rory: What time is our reservation?
Logan: Now.
Rory: Oh. Its amazing what happens when you can't find your keys.
Logan: I think we should order in tonight.
Rory: And the purse is down. [hears a knock at the door] Who is it?
Emily: Emily Gilmore. I am so sorry to bother you, Rory. Hello, Logan. Logan: Hello, Emily.
Emily: Rory, can you check your closet, the maid hung up your dry cleaning today, and I am missing a blouse, and I want to know whether or not to add this to the list of reasons why Im firing her.
Rory: Of course. I'll be right back. (goes to her room)
Emily: Thank you, Rory. I'm so exhausted with incompetent people, I dont know what to do anymore. I feel like every person I hire gets immediately hit in the head with a mallet on their way out of the employment office. (grabs Logans arm) Logan, do you have anything special planned for Rory's birthday, next week?
Logan: Uh, no. No plans.
Emily: Oh, good. Because I would love to throw her a party here. A 21st birthday is so special. But I didn't want to order 12 pounds of crab legs if you had plans to whisk her off to San Tirini.
Logan: No whisking plans in the works.
Rory: Sorry, Grandma. Your blouse isn't in there.
Emily: Say, Rory. How would you like a birthday party next week?
Rory: Oh, well...
Emily: It doesn't have to be a big formal affair. Just something fun, with a few of your friends, and the DAR ladies, whoever you want.
Rory: Sure, Grandma. A party sounds fne.
Emily: I'll go right in and call the caterers. 21 years old, time flies, doesn't it? Alright you two, back to what you were doing.
Rory: Hey, Grandma says.
Logan: So, a 21st birthday, big event.
Rory: I guess.
Logan: Would have been nice if I'd known about.
Rory: Oh, I didn't tell you.
Logan: NO.
Rory: Oh, I'm just not into birthdays.
Logan: You're not into birthdays? You, who wore green head to toe on St. Patricks Day, and Bunny ears on Easter.
Rory: I have stock in Hallmark
Logan: What's up, Ace.
Rory: We should probably call the restaurant if we still want to eat there.
Logan: Ace!
Rory: Im just not excited about this particular birthday.
Logan: Why not?
Rory: Because Im turning 21.
Logan: Yes?
Rory: My mom and I have been planning for my 21st birthday since...well, my first memory is Kindergarten, but I have a feeling she was talking about it before then. We had this whole big thing planned.
Logan: Yeah
Rory: We were going to go to Atlantic City, and sit at a blackjack table at 11:59, and we'd be playing 21, when I turned 21. And we were gonna drink martinis, and win money, and go buy 21 things, and there was this thing including 21 guys, that would be totally inappropriate now that I'm with you, but it was a pretty big thing, and now we're not talking, so...its not gonna happen. I'm just a little bummed, thats all.
Logan: I know you miss your mom. The concept is a little hard for me to grasp, but I know you do.
Rory: Well, you never got to know her. But she can be...pretty cool.
Logan: Hey, I know. I'll take you to Atlantic City.
Rory: What?
Logan: We can still play 21 when you turn 21, we can buy the 21 things. Id still vote to put the kabash on the thing with the 21 guys, but other than that, I'm good to go.
Rory: That's sweet, but its okay.
Logan: Come on, we'll get a car, 21 cars if you like.
Rory: No. No, I appreciate the offer, alot. But, I'll just have the party, and let this birthday pass.
Logan: You're sure?
Rory: Yeah, yeah, I'm sure. And I'm hungry, so lets go. Where did I put my keys?
Logan: Oh, I think I saw them on the couch.
Rory: Here we go again. [smiles as they pick up where they left off]
[Logans car pulls up outside the mansion]
Logan: Out.
Rory: Oh, come on!
Logan: Beat it.
Rory: I can't believe you're not gonna come in.
Logan: I told you, I'm meeting my father at 7:30 in the morning, in New York.
Rory: I loved dinner tonight
Logan: I'm glad.
Rory: I've never had Sri Lankan food before
Logan: I thought you'd like it.
Rory: And I appreciate your lying to me, and answering chicken, every time I asked you what I was eating.
Logan: 15 courses, one of them was bound to be chicken.
Rory: And that dessert...
Logan: Do you really think you can keep talking long enough that I forget that I cant come in?
Rory: Well, I've seen my mom do it before, I thought maybe it was a family trait. [he kisses her] Just for an hour.
Logan: No.
Rory: Half an hour?
Logan: No.
Rory: Fifteen minutes?
Logan: No.
Rory: Ok, an hour.
Logan: You're getting better at this.
[they start kissing again, and there is a knock on the window]
Rory: Ouch, you bit my lip.
Richard: I didn't mean to startle you two, I just heard a noise out here, and came to check it out.
Logan: Everything's fine, Richard. I was just dropping Rory off.
Rory: Hi, Grandpa.
Richard: Hello, Rory. Well, I'll just say goodnight then.
Rory: Goodnight, Grandpa.
Logan: Goodnight, Richard.
Logan: Well, there they are, the two most lovely ladies in the room.
Emily: (coldly) Hello, Logan. (to Rory) I have to check on your cake.
Logan: Huh. Is it me or could the penguins march through here?
Rory: She's probably mad because she found out we're having sex.
Logan: She WHAT?!?!
Rory: She found out we're having sex.
Logan: How the hell did she find that out?
Rory: I told her minister.
Logan: But...but why would you do that?
Rory: Because he was going on and on about my virtue being a gift, and now you have it, so Im going to have to buy the next guy a sweater. And I just wanted him to stop.
Logan: And all this without a drink in my hand.
Rory: Come on, lets get you a Rory.
Logan. Ugh, dealing with this family is stressful.
Rory: Tell me about it. And once you've had that drink, I can tell you how I've been moved out of the poolhouse and into a room right next to my grandparents, so from now on we'll have to have sex in our invisible suits. [Logan groans] Two Rorys please.
Logan: Does your grandfather know also?
Rory: Oh yeah.
Logan: (to the bartender) Make it four.
Lane: Rory!!
Rory: You came!
Lane: Of course I came! I wouldn't miss your 21st birthday.
Rory: Oh, I'm glad. Hey, Zack. Thanks for coming.
Zack: Sure. There's food, right?
Rory: Oh, plenty of food. Lane, I want you to meet Logan. Logan, this is my best friend, Lane.
Logan: Hey, its nice to finally meet you.
Lane: Nice to finally meet you, too. (mouths to Rory 'he's cute!') And this is my boyfriend, Zack.
Logan: How ya doing?
Zack: What? Oh, I'm hanging in there.
Logan: You guys want a drink?
Zack: Well, I'm not sharing, so make it two drinks.
Lane: Wow, this house is amazing. I've never been here before.
Rory: I'll give you a tour.
Bartender: Two Rorys, extra cherries for the lady.
Lane: Oh my God, you have your own drink.
Rory: Wait until you see the bathroom. The guest soap has my face on it.
Zack: (to Logan): So, you're like rich...huh?
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