6.13 Friday Night's Alright for Fights
[Rory is walking through the campus, writing as she walks, not paying attention.]
Logan: Stop!
[She stops walking right in front of a garbage can]
Logan: Look.
Rory: I dont remember that being there yesterday.
Logan: Yesterday you came from the other way, so you missed the trash can, but you almost took out the bike rack.
Rory: Thank God I have a guardian angel hanging out by a coffee kiosk
Logan: Well, its the only place thats safe to stand with a maniac like you walking around. Plus, here I am guaranteed to run into you at least three times a day. [hands her a cup] Your usual.
Rory: You've been hanging out at this coffee cart everyday for a week.
Logan: Yes, its sad. Im officially a wuss. If I saw me doing this, Id beat the crap out of myself.
Rory: You have nothing better to do with your time?
Logan: Nothing better than to try and get you back? Nope.
Rory: You're too slick for your own good, Huntzberger.
Logan: Excuse me, but this is not slick. This is a Nora Ephron movie. Louie Armstrong should be worbling while we talk. So, come on, please, put me out of my misery. You promised you'd let me take you to dinner.
Rory: How about Thursday night?
Logan: Really?
Rory: Yeah. I'll have turned in my article for the Daily News, and my Friday morning history class is cancelled this week.
Logan: Ok, great. Thursday night it is. 7:30. And do not think of backing out, because I will cry, and eat a pint of Rocky Road, while watching An Affair to Remember with Rita Wilson.
Rory: Of course.
Logan: 7:30?
Rory: Cant wait. [she walks away]
Logan: Eyes on the road!!
[Rory is issuing orders to the Daily News staff]
Staffer: Computer crashed again!
Rory: Unplug it, and plug it back in. If that doesnt work, call IT and get someone over here now. [at Logan] Oh my God, our date. I am so sorry. Paris melted down, and everyone quit, and...and the paper wasnt going to come out. And I only found out about it because no one called me to confirm they got my story. So, I called in all these healers, and I got Sheila and Joanie to come in, and I called in Pete, who said he was sick. But I threatened his job, so he came in. But he was really sick, so I had to send home, so he didnt get anyone else sick. Plus, the printers are trying to give our time away, the computers keep crashing, and then theres this tiny detail of nothing's done, and D-Day the paper came out, and...I forgot. Im sorry.
Logan: I cant believe you didnt call me.
Rory: I know...but its just paper stuff.
Logan: I know, Im on the paper.
Rory: You hate it here.
Logan: So what? I know this crap backwards and forwards. I cant believe you didnt even think to call me.
Rory: Well...Im sorry. I just didnt think you were interested.
Logan: Well, then I guess you dont know everything, now do you? So come on, what do you got here?
Rory: Well, this is an article on Greenspan. He gave this interview with all this technical, economic jargon.
Logan: I know the jargon. Ill take this. Are these proofed?
Rory: Yeah, but they're not typed in yet.
Logan: Ill do that. It will be faster. I type 90 words a minute.
Rory: You do?
Logan: You really did only like me for my looks, huh? How are you doing on content?
Rory: Still a little short.
Logan: Ok, Ive got a couple of stories banked that I didnt give Paris, they're in pretty decent shape, we can make do with that.
Rory: Okay.
Logan: And remember, if you're still short on space, just cannonballize everything for Friday's issue, and use it for tonight's.
Rory: Robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Logan: Peter's asking for it. Ok, so who do we have desking?
Rory: Bill.
Logan: Id put Sheila on it with him. She will hurt his ego and make him work faster. Ok? I'll be over here if you need me. And [to Bill] get that yo-yo off the floor. Someone's gonna break their neck.
[Logan walks away, Rory smiles after him]
[The staff is gathered around Rory and Logan, as they are trying to get the paper out]
Rory: Did we verify the Dean of Admissions quote?
Logan: Twice. How are we doing on time?
Bill: Uh...bad.
Logan: [annoyed] More specifically?
Sheila: Ten minutes.
Rory: We'll make it.
Logan: We will make it. Spelling on names. Cheever's name? C-H-
Sheila: E-E-V-E-R-S.
Logan: You're sure about the double e's?
Sheila: Not at all.
Logan: Two e's it is. Okay, and Im done.
Rory: Close it out. I'll cut and paste it to the final copy.
Logan: Closing out. [leans towards Rory] Wow! So, thats what hard work feels like, apparently Ive been avoiding it for a reason. You in, Ace?
Rory: Im in, proceeding with the cut and paste, now.
[phone rings]
Bill: The Daily News....
Logan: Oh, man.
Rory: Why are you smiling?
Logan: Im just picturing the hundreds of different ways you owe me for this.
Rory: I owe you nothing. You did this for the greater good. For the glory of the paper
Logan: For a foot massage.
Staffer: Are we close?
Rory: We are close.
Bill: Well, kids, hold on to your hats, we are loosing our printing time.
Rory: No!! Remind Russell about the Christmas card.
Bill: I dont think he cares. He's giving it to The Current.
Rory: He cant!
Bill: He did.
Rory: Oh, so thats it? We just lose? After all this work, we just lose?
Logan: Keep typing, Ace.
Rory: Why? Whats the point?
Logan: Type! [takes the phone from Bill]
Bill: Well, Ill guess you'll be talking on the phone now.
Logan: Go away, Bill. [into the phone] Hey, who am I speaking with?...Russell. Im Logan Huntzberger....yes, those Huntzbergers. Its great to speak with you, too. I hear there's a problem with our printing time...uh huh....no, I completely understand. The first thing I learned from my father is that there's no paper unless it gets to the printer on time...yes, he is quite a legend, my father. Id love to introduce you to him sometime...anyway, Russell, the thing is, we actually sent the issue to you already....oh....yes, at least fifteen minutes ago. Now, if you're having a problem with your server, we shouldnt be penalized for that, right?...yeah, it should be in the system right now...yeah, go check. [Rory motions to him] But before you do, if you could spell your name, I want to have the correct pronunciation when I speak with my father. Uh huh, Russell. Damn! My pen broke. Hold on, Im looking for a pen. Looking for a pen, looking for a pen....
ROry: Almost there.
Logan: Ok, I found a pen. Here we go, now whats your name? Russell Smith? [laughs] Well, I really didnt need a pen for that one, now did I? Ok, Russell Smith, if you go to your computer, I am definitely, absolutely sure that you will turn it on, and you will see that we, the Yale Daily News have successfully completed our mission, and sent you our email containing the latest issue of the....its all there, man.
Rory: What? Whats happening?
Logan: You got it? Alright, great. Its been great speaking with you, too. I'll tell my father. Bye [hangs up the phone] And thats how we do it at the Daily News! [everyone cheers]
Paris: [emerging from her office] Alright! We got the paper out, thats what Im talking about, people. Good hustle. Really good hustle! And they said we couldnt do it. Boy, what a rush, right?
Rory: So, Im just saying that when that giant asteroid heads toward earth, I want you in that fighter jet.
Logan: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Rory: You saved my ass.
Logan: Infinitely worth saving.
Rory: Thank you.
Logan: You're welcome.
[She kisses him]
Rory: Im sorry we didnt get our dinner.
Logan: We didnt? [she shakes her head, no] Ah. I thought that we did. [opens his desk and pulls out a bag, whine, candles and a glass].
Rory: Boy, when you're on...
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