Tuesday, April 11, 2006

6.18 The Real Paul Anka

[Rory is getting dressed at Logan's apartment]
Logan: Hey you.
Rory: Hey.
Logan: Did you get in late last night?
Rory: I was studying.
Logan: Hmmm....I missed my class this morning.
Rory: Bummer.
Logan: Clock didn't go off, I thought I set it right.
Rory: Oh, I reset it. I had to catch up on some sleep. I didn't know you set it for early.
Logan: Its an honest mistake.
Rory: Maybe we should get a second clock.
Logan: Might be wise. So will you be available to grab a bite later?
Rory: Maybe.
Logan: Can't see that far into the future?
Rory: Its crazy right now.
Logan: I'll check in with you later.
Rory: We'll see how it goes.
[Rory goes to leave, and Logan reaches for her arm, kissing her]
Logan: Have a good day.
Rory: You too. [she leaves and Logan looks less than happy]


[Rory is walking around the newsroom, and stops at Paris's desk looking at a large jar]
Rory: Uh...Paris? What's going on here?
Paris: I just need ten more minutes. I took a 'delete boring answers path' on my interview with Professor Whittington, and ended up with a tidy 16-word piece. His wife must want to suck a tailpipe every night. I'm putting stuff back in now.
Rory: I meant with the big jar of disgusting insects?
Paris: Oh. They're fruit flies. I'm finishing an important paper on population genetics, and I have to monitor how often Drosophilia Molanagaster do the nasty.
Rory: Gross!
Paris: Complain to God, not me.
Rory: Well, did you have to bring them into the newsroom?
Paris: Well, I can't leave them home. They could escape and infest my apartment.
Rory: Meaning they could escape and infest the newsroom.
Paris: At least no one sleeps in the newsroom, and if they bring food, and flies get in the food, maybe thats how they learn to swallow the no food in the newsroom rule.
Rory: We don't have that rule.
Paris: We should.
Rory: Get them out of here.
Paris: I need nine minutes.
Rory: Paris....
Paris: Eight and a half. Come on, you want the interview, I gotta keep typing.
Rory: Ok, nine minutes.
Paris: Thanks.
[Logan walks up to Rory]
Logan: Hey, Chief, you got a minute?
Rory: Umm...a minute.
Logan: I'm a little confused about something.
Rory: How can I help?
Logan: I was working on a piece about textbook prices, you assigned it to me a couple of weeks ago.
Rory: Uh huh.
Logan: It wasn't going to earn me my Pulitzer, but I already put alot of work into it, and I just checked the server and noticed that a piece on the same topic has already been written.
Rory: Yes, it has been.
Logan: Our wires get crossed?
Rory: Nope.
Logan: Who wrote it?
Rory: I did.
Logan: Why?
Rory: Its topical, it effects every student. Its an important story, I wanted to be sure that it would get done.
Logan: It wasn't due for two more days.
Rory: I didn't think you'd make the deadline.
Logan: Based on what?
Rory: Based on past performance
Logan: Past performance is no indication of future performance
Rory: Wise men call that a sucker's maxim.
Logan: I did alot of research on this thing. I interviewed textbook publishers, I interviewed authors, I was going to get more quotes from students.
Rory: I know. I used your research alot of it came in handy.
Logan: Really?
Rory: The stuff that I could make sense out of.
Logan: Good.
Rory: Look, you'll get your byline if thats what this is about.
Logan: You know thats not what this is about.
Rory: I thought I was doing you a favor.
Logan: Everyone knew I was assigned that piece, and now they know its been taken away from me.
Rory: Logan, I'm sorry. Its as you said, our wires got crossed. It happens, let's move on.
Logan: Ok, we'll move on. [notices Paris' jar] And whats with this?
Paris: Keep walking, Whitey.
Logan: You let fruit flies in the newsroom?
Rory: Its not hurting anybody.
Logan: Its disgusting.
Paris: I just need five more minutes.
Rory: Don't rush, Paris. [to Logan] The fruit flies are not hurting anybody. And Paris, is working on something that I am waiting on. I would prefer it, if she werent interrupted.
Logan: Sorry, Paris. [he walks away]


[Rory gets back to the apartment, to find Logan there with Colin, Finn and Robert]
Logan: The bottle is dry.
Colin: You cannot be out of Wild Turkey.
Logan: I've got everything else under the sun. Pick one and stop your nagging.
Colin: YOU cannot be out of Wild Turkey.
Logan: No matter how many times you tell me I'm not out, doesn't change the fact that I'm out.
Finn: Hands! [shoots a poolball]
Robert: Jerk.
Rory: Hi, everyone.
Colin: Hey, Rory. Get yourself a drink, anything but Wild Turkey.
Rory: I'm ok.
Logan: Yeah, forget it. She doesn't drink on school nights.
Rory: I sometimes do.
Colin: I'm getting a sense that the woman of the house had no idea we were going to be here.
Finn: Ok that we're here, love?
Logan: Of course its okay.
Finn: Logan, I haven't called you love since that sultry night in Bimini.
Rory: Its fine that you're here, guys. You're always welcome. What's with the maps?
Colin: Graduation is imminent, Rory. So, we are planning the ultimate Life and Death Brigade event.
Finn: Not only the ultimate, but the penultimate.
Colin: Penultimate means next to last, Finn. This is the last one.
Finn: I thought it meant super-ultimate.
Robert: How did you get into Yale?
Finn: Slept with the recruiter.
Rory: So, what's the stunt?
Colin: We're flying on a twin engine plane, to a remote spot in Costa Rica, we don parachutes, and base jump off a cliff whose height is....
Robert: Exactly 36 hundred and 24 feet...unless thats a two.
Colin: We land on the banks of the San Juan River.
Finn: Hopefully not in the river.
Robert: Or on the Nicaraguan side of the river.
Logan: Or in Panama.
Colin: We inflate a raft, white water three miles down to a meeting point, where a blow out party will take place.
Robert: Its a two, gents. I'm pretty sure its a two...or an eight.
Rory: Where do you get the inflattable rafts?
Logan: One of us will parachute with it in our packs.
Finn: Not me, I've got the DVD player.
Colin: Not me, I've got the champagne and the bong.
Robert: If I take it, it will crush the cigars.
Logan: Stand down, boys. I'll jump with the raft.
Rory: You're planning this all very carefully, right?
Colin: Luckily, we've got a topographical map expert in our midst.
Robert: Its a three. Im 90% sure.
Rory: Why don't you make extra sure you have the right number there, Robert?
Logan: Hey, let the man do his thing.
Rory: Well, I would, if the man doing his thing werent drunk, and hadn't forgotten to put on his reading glasses.
Robert: Oh my God! I'm not wearing my glasses.
Colin: They flew off when you did that impression of the old guy getting shot by Dick Cheney.
Rory: Who's flying this twin engine airplane? And who's supplying the parachutes? I mean, there must be a weight limit to make that jump, right? Do you guys know what the weight limit is?
Logan: So, you just came home to piss on the fun.
Rory: No, I came home because I live here.
Colin: You know, guys, maybe we should resume our planning another time.
Logan: Yeah, I guess maybe we should.
Robert: I'll never be able to refold these.
Colin: Just grab them, and lets go, Robert.
Finn: Okay, if I return this another time?
Logan: Sure.
[the guys leave]
Rory: Go with them, if you want.
Logan: Is it your life mission to embarass me at every opportunity you get?
Rory: Its Robert, Colin, and Finn, Logan. I've seen them all dance naked with their underwear on their heads. There's no embarassing you in front of them.
Logan: Well, you embarassed me tonight.
Rory: How? By pointing out that the stunt your planning doesnt exactly sound safe?
Logan: Its called the Life and Death Brigade, Rory.
Rory: Yeah, and aren't you supposed to avoid the death part?
Logan: This is not your business. And why aren't you at the paper? You're always at the paper this time of night.
Rory: I finished early.
Logan: How? Did you delegate a little? Let people actually write their own articles?
Rory: Thats old news.
Logan: Its not old news. You knew that would embarass me, and you didnt care.
Rory: Please!
Logan: Even when we're together, you're someplace else. You leave, and you don't kiss me good-bye, we're at dinner, and you're on your cell phone the whole time. You never leave notes anymore, about where you're going to be, so I have no idea where you are. You haven't forgiven me.
Rory: What are you talking about?
Logan: For the girls I was with when we were seperated.
Rory: I said I forgive you.
Logan: Yeah, you said it, but you haven't, though. You haven't! I'll be at the pub.


[Rory comes into the living room where Logan is packing]
Logan: I guess I'm going.
Rory: Okay.
Logan: I'll be out of cell phone range for a couple of days.
Rory: I know.
Logan: I'll see you.
[he leaves]


[Jess walks up to Rory]
Jess: You don't have to read it again.
Rory: I know I don't.
Jess: There are so many thing I would change in it.
Rory: Like what?
Jess: I'd keep the back cover, everything else goes.
Rory: You know why I love your book?
Jess: Why?
Rory: It doesn't remind me of anything. Its not a rip-off. Its just you.
Jess: High praise, Miss Yale Editor.
Rory: Well, I don't get to write as much as I would like. Im mostly assigning, and motivating, hand holding, rewriting...
Jess: And you love it, every minute of it. Come on, tell me you don't.
Rory: I do. I do love it. Its exciting.
Jess: You look happier than when I saw you last.
Rory: I am.
Jess: So, you fixed everything?
Rory: Yeah, everything's fixed.
Jess: I'm glad you're here.
Rory: Me, too. [Jess slowly leans in to kiss her, as he deepens the kiss she pulls away]
Jess: What?
Rory: I'm sorry.
Jess: About what?
Rory: About coming here...like this. I just got the flier, and I don't know, I just wanted to see your place. But then, this...its not fair to you, God, I'm such a jerk.
Jess: What are you talking about?
Rory: I couldn't even cheat on him like he cheated on me.
Jess: Who? Who cheated on you? That guy? You're still with him.
Rory: Yeah.
Jess: I thought everything was fixed.
Rory: Everything but him.
Jess: I hate this.
Rory: You should. I'm sorry.
Jess: You came here, alone...to Philadelphia.
Rory: He was out of town.
Jess: I don't deserve this, Rory.
Rory: No, you don't. You don't deserve it. I just...I'm in love with him. Despite all the bad he's done, I can't help it. I'm in love with him.
Jess: Love, huh?
Rory: Yeah.
Jess: I guess I'll call Matthew's poet and have him explain love to me. They know all about it, right?
Rory: They're supposed to. Well, I guess I'd better go.
Jess: Okay.
Rory: I'm so sorry I came here.
Jess: I'm not. It's what it is. You...me. Where'd you park?
Rory: I'm right outside.
Jess: Hey! If it makes you feel better, you can always tell him that we did something.
Rory: Thanks, Jess. [she leaves]


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