Tuesday, February 28, 2006

6.16 Bridesmaids Revisited

[Rory is in the apartment, in front of a mirror, as music blares in the background]
Logan: HEY! [he goes up to her when she doesnt respond]
Rory: AHH! Oh, you scared me!
Logan: Sorry.
Rory: What?
Logan: Sorry!!
Rory: What????
Logan: [turns down the music] Sorry.
Rory: I guess that was a little loud.
Logan: What????
Rory: Sorry!
Logan: Im telling you we should take this on the road. I see you went with Faye Dunaway in Network.
Rory: And some Maureen Dowd 'come hither' pumps for good measure.
Logan: I wish I could be there for you.
Rory: Oh, you do not.
Logan: I do to.
Rory: You would be asleep in three minutes
Logan: The pumps would have kept me going for at least four. Im in a suit at two o'clock, in the afternoon. Honor has to everyone dressed for a wedding rehearsal. How did I get conned into this?
Rory: Into what?
Logan: Being one of Josh's groomesmen.
Rory: You like Josh.
Logan: I dont even know Josh.
Rory: He's going to be your brother in law.
Logan: Yes, exactly. Going to be. Key word is going. He's not now.
Rory: Your tie is crooked.
Logan: But as of today, Josh is simply the guy who holds my sister's purse when she goes shopping, and because of that, I have to spend the next six hours practicing how to walk in a straight line.
Rory: You have yet to accomplish that, so the practice wouldnt hurt.
Logan: Im not there and Im bored already.
Rory: You could always talk to your good friend, Flasky.
Logan: Right! Thanks for the reminder. I just dont understand wedding rehearsals. The bachelor party, I get.
Rory: I bet you do.
Logan: The actual ceremony, I get. But the rehearsal I dont get.
Rory: Wallet?
Logan: And after we finish rehearsing, I have to sit through a five course dinner surrounded by my new family, and Honor's bridgade of moronic bridesmaids.
Rory: Oh, come on. You love Honor. Her friends cant be that bad.
Logan: Oh, no. Blondie, Dipsy, Bubbles, Four Nose Jobs and Charm McGee, all great gals.
Rory: Meow.
Logan: Seriously, cant you just do the panel, blow off the mixer, and meet me for the dinner?
Rory: Logan....come on. By the time I get out of there, and get back here to change, drive all the way to New York, dinner would be over.
Logan: No, it wouldnt. Dinner is never going to be over. Its gonna last forever.
Rory: I will be here, waiting for you when you get back. [leads him to the door] And I will have aspirin.
Logan: Fine. Ill be back by eleven. Ten of eleven, possibly ten thirty.
Rory: Go
Logan: Fine. [he leaves, then rushes back in.]
Rory: Did you forget something?
Logan: [rushes up and kisses her] You look incredible. Knock them dead. [kisses her again, and leaves]


[Rory and Logan walking into the Country Club where Honor's wedding is being held]
Rory: It feels like a labrynith.
Logan: Well, if you feel yourself getting lost, just keep your hand on one side of the wall, and keep walking. Eventually you'll find you way out, or get eaten by a minotaur.
Rory: Thanks, chum.
Logan: Josh, my man, whats going on?
Josh: My cufflinks have been stolen.
Logan: Dont worry, Im very good at finding things. At Easter Egg hunts, they used to make me wear an eye patch just to keep things fair.
Josh: Okay, but I suspect thievery.
Logan: You sure you'll be okay hanging out by yourself for a while?
Rory: For at least a fortnight. I'm good. Go, put on your eye patch and find some cuff links.
Logan: [kisses her] I'll see you later. [to Josh]Come on, Josh. Dead man, Walking!
Rory: Excuse me. I'm looking for the library?
Staff Member: Sure. It's in the east wing. You --
Honor: Rory!
Rory: Hey bride, you look beautiful.
Honor: You like my wedding sweats? I'm beginning to think 'Town & Country' might not approve.
Rory: So... how are you doing?
Honor: Okay. You have got to come back and hang out with me and the bridesmaids.
Rory: That's sweet, but I can't. I actually have all this work --
Sofia: Ladies, c'mon, makeup time. And whoever took Josh's cuff links, hand them over. [Walker hands them to her]
Honor: Look, the girls have cracked open a case of champagne. I need you to be my designated dresser. I'm the bride. You can't say 'no' to a bride. It's bad luck.
Rory: I guess I could do my work tomorrow.
Honor: That's always been my motto. C'mon All day, if anyone does something I don't want them to, I'm saying it's bad luck. I swear, getting married is so fabulous. 9leads her to the bridal suite) Everybody, so this is my lovely friend, Rory. Rory's going to hand out with us while we get ready. Some of you may have met at the shower, but this is Alexandra, Walker, Claude, and Megan.
Rory: Hi.
Walker: Welcome to the final hours of Honor's maidenhood.
Alexandra: Yeah right. Honor's maidenhood didn't make it to upper school at Brearly.
Honor: Not true. Turks and Caicos, 1996
Megan: Anyway, we're here to celebrate these last, precious hours before we lose Honor to the dark side.
Walker: And to celebrate, we drink booze.
Honor: Not me. I'm having one glass, right before the ceremony.
Alexandra: Whatever you need to tell yourself.
Claude: Ooh, I love that dress, Rory.
Rory: Oh, thanks.
Megan: Is that Carolinas?
Rory: Um, no. It's mine.
Honor: Oh, Rory, this is Italo. Italo is a genius. If they gave MacArthur grants for hair, he'd get one.
Sophia: Okay, girls. I need to get you in these chairs, pronto
Walker: (hands a glass to Honor) Bridezilla?
Honor: Okay, but just one now and one right before the ceremony.
Alexandra: Whatever you need to tell yourself.
Honor: I need it to make a toast. To friends, old and new. Borrowed and blue. You guys are awesome
Walker: To Honor and to Honor's honor! The missing maidenhood.

[Rory is with a gowned Honor and the bridesmaids]
Honor: Okay, so I don't look obese?
Megan: You look like a skeleton.
Walker: A beautiful, blushing skeleton.
Honor: Whoa
Rory: What?
Honor: All of a sudden, the idea of marriage seems totally archaic and insane. Legally binding one woman with one man until they die? It's perverse. Why on earth do people do this? Why am I doing this?
Walker: Uh-oh. Freak-out
Claude: You love Josh. Remember?
Honor: Oh yeah. Josh. Okay...Okay. Freak-out over. I wonder if Josh is freaking out.
Megan: We saw him before when we took a smoke break. He looked nervous.
Honor: Oh, adorable. Hey, can somebody check my sling-back for me? It feels messed up and I can't reach my own feet.
Walker: Certainly. Oh yes, the sling-back is not slung back properly. I think I can remedy this. If I just sling this back -- [Champagne spills on the floor.]
Honor: Did that get on my dress? Someone tell me if I need to freak-out.
Megan: The Veuve did not get on the Vera.
Honor: Oh my god. Get away from me, you lousy drunk.
Walker: Hey! That's offensive. I am a terrific drunk.
Honor: I need my designated dresser.
Rory: At your service.
Honor: Make sure it's secure, because I plan on dancing tonight.
Claude: Speaking of dancing, has anyone warned Rory about the quote-unquote dignitaries coming to this shindig? It's always the same culprits.
Rory: I need warning?
Alexandra: The ambassador from Luxembourg is very handsy.
Megan: No, the one you have to watch out for is that poet. What's his name?
Walker: The dude with the red face?
Megan: He just did a translation of the Bhagavad-Gita. Anyway, he acts like he's gay. but it's such a ruse. Total perv.
Rory: Feet, red face, not gay, Bhagavad-Gita, perv. Got it.
Sofia: I'm going to steal the bride to take a couple of quick pictures. Honor, honey, grab your veil. The rest of you -- three minute warning.
Rory: You are dance-floor ready.
Honor: Thank you, my dear. See you soon, everybody.
Sofia: Head that way, toward the sitting room. We don't want Josh to see you in your dress. It's bad luck.
Honor: Please. Like I care about things like that.
Megan: I look like a drag queen.
Walker: My hair is insane.
Alexandra: I totally want your hair. My hair looks like Linda Carter's. Italo was punishing me.
Walker: I'll tell you what I want. I want to hook up with someone tonight.
Alexandra: Just remember that pinning guys in the corner and shoving your tongue down their throats can sometimes come off as desperate.
Walker: But, I am desperate. I swear, I might go home with the ambassador from Luxembourg.
Claude: Oh c'mon, there'll be plenty of eligible bachelors there tonight.
Walker: Like who?
Claude: The groomsmen for starters.
Alexandra: Tripp Wallison is looking good.
Megan: You always think he's looking good.
Alexandra: Cause he always is. Anyway so do you.
Claude: Alexandra and Megan both have both slept with Tripp.
Rory: Small world
Alexandra: I'm with Liam. You can have Tripp.
Walker: Tripp's too short. I'm over the whole Mia Farrow, Woody Allen thing.
Claude: How about Josh's brother?
Walker: Poor man's Josh. Really poor man's. He's the Josh they give away at the soup kitchen.
Alexandra: There's always Logan.
Walker: Been there, done that.
Rory: What?
Claude: Shush!
Walker: What, 'shush'? You should talk.
Claude: Rory is Logan's girlfriend.
Walker: Oops. Oh my god, you're Rory, Rory. I'm so retarded. Don't worry, this was way before you started dating. This was back around Thanksgiving.
Rory: Last Thanksgiving?
Walker: It meant nothing, believe me. Meaningless.
Megan: Walker will have sex with anyone.
Walker: I will.
Claude: And I'm sure you know Logan and I dated. But that was ages ago, eons, back when he drove a Z3. And then we had a stupid one-night stand this December. But there's noting between us, I swear. We're just friends who drank too much spiked eggnog. And now he's met you, and I think you guys are so great together. Really.
Rory: Thanks.
Alexandra: (to Walker) I sorry, I didn't know you had sex with Logan. I thought you two just messed around.
Walker: No, you said you just messed around with him. I said he and I hooked up. I meant hooked up, hooked up.
Alexandra: I thought you meant hooked up. Liked messed around.
Megan: How come you never told me you messed around with Logan? Why am I out of the loop?
Alexandra: I'm with Liam. Officially, nothing happened. These shoes are killing my feet.
Walker: Just crunch up your toes a little bit. That's what I'm doing. Feels good.
Rory: Did you hook up with Logan around Thanksgiving?
Megan: No way. I was in Biarritz.
Sofia: Okay, Ladies! Time to line up; the processional's about to start. Rory, you better go find you seat.
Megan: I look like RuPaul.
Walker: Where are my flowers? Does Sophia have the flowers?
Claude: See you at the party, Rory.
Alexandra: (to Rory) Oh, just FYI, before I got together with Liam, he slept with half the upper east side, and now he's as loyal as a dog.
Walker: I need my flowers! Oh...I have my flowers.


[Rory is still sitting in the bridal suite, now alone, when Logan walks in]
Logan: Here you are.
Rory: Here I am.
Logan: I was looking all over for you. I didnt see you when I was walking down the aisle, I looked for you during the ceremony. Where were you?
Rory: Here
Logan: Here? You missed the wedding?
Rory: I'll apologize to Honor later.
Logan: Forget Honor. Whats going on? Rory?
Rory: You didn't say a word. You just let me walk into a room full of girls you'd had sex with. Oh, no wait. Im sorry. You just had sex with two of them, on of them, you just fooled around with. Whatever that means. She spared me the exact perimeters of the fooling around. You want to fill me in?
Logan: Rory...
Rory: You know what? Nevermind. Ive got a good imagination, I can figure it out.
Logan: Okay, look....
Rory: I cant believe it. You didn't just cheat on me. You REALLY cheated on me.
Logan: I didn't cheat on you.
Rory: So, you didn't sleep with....
Logan: No, I did. But we were broken up.
Rory: No. You were broken up, not me. I thought we were just taking some time.
Logan: Apart. Not seeing each other.
Rory: Yes, taking some time. Not seeing each other for awhile, that doesn't mean broken up.
Logan: Oh, come on...
Rory: No. When...to break up you have to tell the other person. You cant just decide, that your broken up and go off and....God! I cant believe I fell for all your stupid tricks! The coffee cart, and going to my mother. You went to my mother. Why would you bother going through that? You had plenty of back up. What do you need me for?
Logan: Because I love you.
Rory: No. Don't.
Logan: Rory. I didn't cheat on you, I didn't lie to you!
Rory: You didn't tell me.
Logan: Of course not, why would I tell you? Why would I want you to be hurt and upset and angry?
Rory: Blondie...Dizzy...I love the cover...pretending all those were worthless idiots.
Logan: They are worthless idiots. Shooting their mouths off in front of you, like that.
Rory: Its not their fault!
Logan: It is their fault. They love doing crap like this, causing trouble.
Rory: We were only apart for like two seconds, and you managed to sleep with everyone of your sister's friends. How did you even do that? I mean, did you work them in shifts? Were there charts, signals, B12 shots?
Logan: I was depressed. I was lonely, I was upset. Ive known these girls forever. It was just companionship, okay? It meant nothing.
Rory: Dont be at the apartment between 10 and 1 tomorrow, so I can get my stuff.
[she storms by, he tries to grab her arm, but she brushes him away, walking away]

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

6.15 A Vineyard Valentine

[Logan wakes up, and sees Rory rushing around the apartment]
Logan: Hey.
Rory: Hi.
Logan: Why are you up?
Rory: Its 11:04. The whole world is up.
Logan: Keith Richards isnt up. Pete Dougherty isnt up.
Rory: Rory Gilmore is up.
Logan: She shouldn't be. You're making me dizzy. (rubs his eyes)
Rory: I forgot my Thucydides.
Logan: I don't see how you can function without your Thucydides.
Rory: Hey, I'm trying to squish four semesters into three. If I slow down, I'll get whoomped
Logan: How long have you been up?
Rory: Five hours, four cups of coffee, two bagels.
Logan: No partridge? No peartree?
Rory: Ok, Thucydides did not just grow legs and walk away.
Logan: Come back to bed (pulls her next to him)
Rory: I can't!
Logan: We see each other less since we've been living together.
Rory: I know it seems that way.
Logan: It is that way.
Rory: We'll have time.
Logan: Not unless we make time. Lets go away this weekend.
Rory: This weekend is bad.
Logan: Every weekend is bad.
Rory: This one is particularly bad.
Logan: They're all bad. Now come on, its Valentine's Day.
Rory: Thats not until next week.
Logan: This weekend is Valentine's weekend. Come on, lets go somewhere.
Rory: I can't.
Logan: Rory.
Rory: Even if I did get some time away, I promised my mom Id try to hang out with her, even if it was just for dinner. I haven't seen her in ages.
Logan: But she doesn't kiss as good as I do.
Rory: You don't know that.
Logan: True.
Rory: No, she's just been a little down lately. I kind of want to cheer her up.
Logan: Well, then invite her along. We could have a kissing contest.
Rory: Bring my mother?
Logan: Yeah, and tell her to bring that guy she's with. What's his name? Luke?
Rory: Really? You'd be up for that?
Logan: Absolutely.
Rory: Well, I'd have to drop a lot of things.
Logan: Thats what things are for, to be dropped.
Rory: I'll think about it.
Logan: You promise?
Rory: Yes. Now you have to let me go.
Logan: Thats the worst offer I've gotten all day. You're Thucydides is on the pool table.
Rory: Thank you! (runs to get it, as Logan lies back down in bed, smiling)


(Rory opens the door to the Huntzburger compound, letting Lorelai and Luke in)
Rory: You made it!
Lorelai: We made it!
Rory: Hi, Luke.
Luke: Hey, sorry we're late.
Rory: You're not late.
Lorelai: It took longer than we thought. The ferry and all. Did you know Martha's Vineyard is an island?
Rory: Well I've been here before.
(Logan walks up to them)
Logan: Hey, there's our intrepid travelers.
Lorelai: Hi, Logan.
Logan: Welcome. And this must be Luke.
Lorelai: Oh, no. I dumped Luke. This is Clem, I picked him up at a truck stop on 95. We were at the register, paying for our blue plates, and our hands reached for the same Dixie Chicks cassette.
Luke: Luke Danes
Logan: Logan Huntzberger. Good to have you. Anything else to unload?
Luke: No, there's a few things, but Ive got it.
Logan: Great.
Rory: (to Lorelai, leading her into the house) So, this is the place.
Lorelai: Oh, great!
Rory: This is the den, and the dining room, which seats 20, the wet bar.
Lorelai: (gasps) This keeps getting better!
Rory: And thats the the living room, kitchens up there, and the ocean's out there, but you cant see it.
Lorelai: Oh, ripoff!
(Logan and Luke walk in)
Logan: So, you guys hungry?
Luke: We're fine. We ate on the road.
Rory: Cool. Just a few peculiarities about the house.
Logan: Its a grandma, so its got its kinks
Rory: Some of the hardwood floors buckle, so watch your step.
Logan: The frenchdoors are warped from the winter, so you have to give them a yank when you open them.
Rory: And that noise you may hear outside your window in the morning...
Logan: That would be Stan.
Lorelai: Gardner?
Rory: Raccoon.
Logan: He's been living on the property longer than my family has, so we give him free reign.
Rory: And the showers. There are three of them, run any two at the same time, and they turn to ice. So give everybody a heads up before take a dive.
Lorleai: Oh, good to know.
Rory: And in the morning, we'll have stuff here to eat, or you can up the stree to Joe's Cafe for breakfast, they open at 8.
Logan: 7, actually.
Rory: Right, 7. We never go before 8. But...thats all. Want to see your room?


(Lorelai walks into the kitchen, were Rory and Logan are reading the newspaper)
Lorelai: Morning!
Logan: Good morning!
Rory: Hi. We've got coffee and pastries over there.
Logan: The best pastries on the island.
Rory: Yeah, you got to get them early, or they run out.
Logan: Even the prune is good.
Rory: She will not like the prune.
Logan: She'll like this prune.
Lorelai: They look great.
Rory: Where is Luke?
Lorelai: He's waiting for my signal.
Rory: You're signal?
Lorelai: To come out. He wants a signal its okay.
Logan: We've got a flare gun in the garage.
Rory: Luke! Its okay. Come out!
Luke: Morning.
Logan: Hey, Luke.
Rory: Luke, you know. You dont have to hide.
Luke: I wasnt hiding. Did you say I was hiding?
Lorelai: I did not say that.
Logan: Help yourself to whatever.
Rory: You have to read faster.
Logan: I read at my own pace, regardless of peer pressure.
Rory: But my article's continued in the section you've been reading since before John wrote his gospel.
Logan: I keep telling her we need two papers.
Rory: Thats wasteful. We dont need two papers.
Logan: We need them for the health of the relationship. (she grabs it out of his hand, and starts reading) There's your proof. We got eggs and stuff too, Luke.
Lorelai: You still hungry?
Rory: Still? Did you guys eat?
Luke: No, we just ate a big dinner last night.
Lorelai: Right. Hey, why dont we take a little walk first, huh? The beach is deserted we'll have the whole thing to ourselves.
Logan: You might want to take a coat.
Luke: Im fine.
Logan: Cool.
Lorelai: We wont be long.
(Logan looks at Rory, and grabs the paper back)
Rory: Rats.
Logan: You snooze you lose.


(Luke and Logan are playing basketball at the gym)
Logan: Its probably the shoes.
Luke: The shoes are fine.
Logan: Yeah, but they're a size too small, and their low top.
Luke: I bought what they had. Shoes are fine.
Logan: Its a drag you didnt bring your own gear.
Luke: Yeah, its a drag. Lets get going here. Im playing all out, so you play all out.
Logan: You're overestimating my skills if you dont think Im playing all out. So, its what? 5 to 1?
Luke: 6. You got 6. 6 to 1.
Logan: Right. 6 to 1. (Logan scores again) Sorry.
Luke: Dont apologize.
Logan: That was a foul, too. I charged.
Luke: No, you barely touched me.
Logan: I travelled.
Luke: You didnt foul me, and you didnt travel.
Logan: Okay. Did you try to loosen the laces?
Luke: Just check the ball. 6-1?
Logan: 7, actually.
Luke: Right, right. 7.
Logan: Sorry.
Luke: Dont apologize.


(Logan and Luke walk inside, where two guys are massaging the girls)
Logan: Hey, guys. Whats going on?
Lorelai: Oh, wow. I was like in a zen trance. I was totally somewhere else.
Rory: Me, too. I was in Greece. Where were you?
Lorelai: Berghdoff Goodman's.
Rory: When you reach your zen trance, you go to Berghdorff Goodmans?
Lorelai: To each his own. Thanks Ron and Jerry.
Rory: Yeah, thanks, guys.
Logan: I didnt know the gym had masseurs.
Rory: They dont.
Lorelai: Ron and Jerry work for the laundry service but they missed their calling.
Luke: You got the laundry guys to give you a massage?
Rory: Never underestimate the persuasive powers of Lorelai Gilmore. So, you guys have fun throwing the old hoop around?
Logan: Or something to that effect.
Lorelai: (to Luke) Look at you. You look like a walking billboard for the Martha's Vineyard Chamber of Commerce.
Luke: It was all they had.
Rory: So who won the game?
Luke: These shoes stink!
Lorelai: So, you beat the shoes?
Logan: Nobody won, we just had fun. So, do you girls need to clean up at all?
Lorelai: From...????
Logan: Right. Well, I guess we'll just see you out here.
Luke: We'll just be about ten minutes.
Rory: Okay, see you in ten. (to Lorelai) So what do we do?
Lorelai: Ron? Jerry? You got ten minutes? I love working out.


(Lorelai walks into the kitchen, where Rory is making a salad)
Lorelai: I'm sorry. But this picture just did not compute.
Rory: Stop.
Lorelai: You're wielding a knife. That is verboten in Gilmore world.
Rory: You forget, that Im a rebel.
Lorelai: And you're wearing an apron!
Rory: Its so my clothes dont get wrecked.
Lorelai: You have not worn an apron since you saw the Sound of Music, and you put one on so you could look like Sister Maria. And you made a big crucifix out of popsicle sticks. (Rory gets something out of the drawer) Ahh...
Rory: What?
Lorelai: The way you went in that drawer and got that thing-a-ma-bob out of there, like thats what you intended all along.
Rory: It was.
Lorelai: You know where things are.
Rory: I've cooked here before.
Lorelai: I may need to be recucitated.
Rory: Okay, do you want to help, or do you want to keep on doing this?
Lorelai: I want to help.
Rory: Okay, Logan is taking care of the lobsters for us outside, and I am making a salad, mashed potatoes, and bruschetta.
Lorelai: (picks something up) What's this?
Rory: (takes it from her) A garlic press.
Lorelai: (picks up a knife) This could definitely do a foot.
Rory: (takes it away from her) Step away from the knife.
Lorelai: (picks something else up) What's this!
Rory: (takes it from her) That a lemon zester.
Lorelai: Let me zest a lemon!
Rory: No.
Lorelai: But I get to do something!
(Luke walks in)
Rory: But you cant just grab things. (to Luke) Hi, Luke.
Luke: Hey.
Rory: (to Lorelai) Wash your hands, and Ill give you a task.
Lorelai: Excellent!
Luke: Food looks good.
Lorelai: Rory's gonna let me chop something.
Luke: Is that wise?
Rory: I did not say chop.
Lorelai: Alright, Im all ready.
Rory: (hands Lorelai a small knife) Ok, chop the celery.
Lorelai: Yay! Hey, thats a dinner knife!
Rory: (hands her the bigger knife) Okay, just be careful, please.
Lorelai: I am Mario Batani's and Ina Garten's love child.
Rory: (to Luke) Logan is outside dealing with the lobsters, if you want to join him. He was very nice, by the way. He kept them very well hidden from me when they were, lets just say, not dead.
Lorelai: Not dead? Ugh. I dont like behind the scenes food stuff.
Luke: I'll just go see whats going on out there.
Rory: What did you mean, it would do a foot?

(Luke walks up to Logan who is at the grill with the lobsters)
Logan: Hey, they kick you out of the house?
Luke: Kind of.
Logan: Do you like lobster?
Luke: Ive never had lobster.
Logan: I think you'll like it if I dont screw it up. Making lobster is a time honored Huntzberger family tradition. Its in our blood.
Luke: Great.
Logan: So FYI, I'm probably gonna do the present thing at dinner.
Luke: The present thing?
Logan: Just want to give you a heads up, don't want to complicate your life.
Luke: You got Rory a present?
Logan: For Valentine's Day. Forget?
Luke: No.
Logan: Ok
Luke: I just didn't get anything.
Logan: Oh.
Luke: I mean, Valentine's Day isnt technically til Tuesday.
Logan: Sure.
Luke: Ive got a couple of extra days.
Logan: Right.
Luke: Is there anything open neaby?
Logan: Only if you want to buy her a windbreaker or some boating equipment.
Luke: Oh.
Logan: Look, I went a little nuts, and got two things for Rory. Let me give you one to give to Lorelai.
Luke: No, no, no, no.
Logan: Yes. I got a necklace and a tennis bracelet. She doesnt need both. Take one, whichever one.
Luke: I cant do that.
Logan: Dude, its Valentine's Day. You've got to give your girl a gift.
Luke: Well....maybe I will take one.
Logan: Which one.
Luke: How about the necklace?
Logan: Perfect.
Luke: Mainly because I have no idea what a tennis bracelet is.
Logan: Let me finish up getting these on, and I'll take you inside and show them to you. I left them in the car so Rory wouldn't find them.
Luke: You really dont have to do this.
Logan: I'm happy to. We men have to stick together.
Luke: Okay.

Lorelai: This is fun
Rory: You have got to stop doing that.
Lorelai: I love this squishy feeling.
Rory: You're gonna overmash them
Lorelai: Is there such a thing as overmashing potatoes?
Rory: Yes. Its called potato soup.
Lorelai: Ya know...you can put on the apron, and shout out things like 'dice the carrots' but implying you can overmash potatoes proves your a phony.
Rory: You're the one who thought the potato masher was a waffle shaper before I corrected you.
Lorelai: Ow. I think Im giving myself mashed potato elbow. Would you like more chef juice?
Rory: More wine would be great. So, have I told you what we're thinking for the end of the school year?
Lorelai: What who is thinking?
Rory: Logan and I. Get this...Asia.
Lorelai: Asia? Wow.
Rory: Well, some of Asia. China, Thailand, Vietnam...we're thinking 6 weeks.
Lorelai: Sounds exciting, hon!
Rory: We havent finalized anything yet. But I've bought the books, doing the research.
Lorelai: Wow, its official. You've become to fabulous to hang out with me.
(the guys walk in)
Logan: Hows it going in here?
Rory: Its good. Hope you like remashed potatoes.
Lorelai: You can eat them with a straw.
Rory: Where are you two headed?
Logan: I need the other tongs. They're buried somewhere in the garage, and Luke is going to help me find them.
Luke: Right. We'll be right back
Logan: Clawed things out there. They went peacefully (kisses Rory)
Rory: Thank you. (to Lorelai) Its weird, you know?
Lorelai: Whats weird?
Rory: I don't know, it just hit me. These could be the ones.
Lorelai: The ones?
Rory: THE ones, you know?
Lorelai: Yeah....(more emphatically) yeah.

Rory, Logan, Luke and Lorelai are at a table on the deck)
Rory: Luke, werent you a lobster neophyte? Looks like you liked it.
Luke: Its good. I can't believe I've never had it before. (to Logan) You cooked them perfect.
Lorelai: Here, here. (they applaud Logan)
Logan: Thanks very much, you're too kind.
Lorelai: And not that I'm hunting for my own compliment, but that celery I cut, huh?
Rory: Let's hear it for the celery chopper
(they applaud Lorelai)
Lorelai: Oh, this is so spontaneous and unexpected, not quite loud enough. Thank you, thank you
Rory: So, should we clear?
Logan: Hey, its so pretty out here, sun will be down soon, so before it gets dark...( hands Rory a box) Happy Valentine's Day.
Rory: Oh, my God, you humanely killed lobsters, and you got me a present?
Logan: I'm a multi-tasker.
Rory: Hmm... (gasps) Its a bracelet.
Luke: Its a tennis bracelet.
Lorelai: You know what a tennis bracelet is?
Luke: Well, my sister makes jewelry, so I've picked up some terms.
Rory: Wow, I love it. Happy Valentine's Day.
Logan: Right back at ya, Ace.
(they kiss)
Luke: Well, I guess its my turn. (hands Lorelai a box) Happy Valentine's Day.
Lorelai: Really?
Luke: Really.
Lorelai: (gasps) Oh my God. Luke, its beautiful.
Luke: Good. Good, its going to look great on you.
Lorelai: (to Rory) Look at this.
Rory: Its you. And it goes well with mine.
Lorelai: Oh yeah, their almost matching.
Logan: Yeah, Luke and I actually sneaked out when you two were playing around in the kitchen, and we found those in the same place.
Luke: Yup, same shop.
Lorelai: I cant believe you got me a Valentine's Day gift.
Rory: Is it getting kind of cold?
Logan: Yeah, lets go in. We can clear all this later. Lets just build a fire and get warm.
Rory: Excellent


(Mitchum storms into Lorelai & Luke's room)
Mitchum: Who are you?
Luke: Who are you?
Mitchum: Mitchum Huntzberger, who are you?
Lorelai: Im Lorelai. Im Rory's mother.
Mitchum: Im looking for my son.
(Logan and Rory enter downstairs.)
Logan: Dad!
Mitchum: Where the hell have you been?
Logan: What are you doing here?
Mitchum: You turn off your cell, you turn off your pager. I told you never turn off your pager.
Logan: I got your pages.
Mitchum: So you're ignoring them? Thats great.
Logan: We're going to have it out in public?
(Rory looks on upset)
Mitchum: We're not in public, Logan, we're in my house. Yeah, we're going to have it out here.
Logan: You didnt need me this weekend.
Mitchum: You dont get to decide whether you're needed or not. I decide that, do you hear me? (Luke and Lorelai walk in)
Logan: They heard you in Nantucket!
Mitchum: You were not to be here! You were supposed to be on a red eye to London last night!
(They start yelling simultaneously)
Logan: How many times do I have to go to London?
Mitchum: I had a room full of colleagues...
Logan: I met all of them!
Mitchum: Some of them actually come from different bureaus to meet you!
Logan: I met them, too, for Gods sake!
Mitchum: And you blow it off to be with your little girlfriend! You embarass me! You embarass me...
Logan: You want to talk about embarassment, screw you!
Mitchum: ...and you embarass yourself. You listen to me. You listen to me. You are getting on a plane to London, you're getting on a plane to London, today.
Logan: Dad!
Mitchum: And you're going to explain to my colleagues why you wasted their Saturday, and robbed them of their Sunday. And let me tell you this, you better start acclimating yourself. Because you're in London for at least a year, starting the day after you graduate, as we discussed.
Logan: You discussed it.
Mitchum: You're doing this, Logan. And I'm driving you to the airport, myself. Right now, get packed! You've got ten minutes.
Logan: I have guests.
Mitchum: Your guests can stay. You're leaving!
(Mitchum storms out)
Logan: Excuse me.

(Lorelai and Luke walks towards the door with their bags, where Logan is standing)
Lorelai: Hey, still here?
Logan: Yeah. Just waiting for Rory to get her things.
Luke: You, uh, need any help there?
Logan: No. Thanks, Luke.
Luke: No problem. (to Lorelai) I just have to get that last bag.
Logan: Im really, really sorry about this.
Lorelai: Oh hey, its okay. It was fun while it lasted. No one understands letting the family down better than I do.
Rory: Hi.
Lorelai: Hi
Rory: (to Logan) Walk you out?
Logan: Yeah.
(they walk outside and see Mitchum's car and a driver waiting)
Rory: Intimidating. So...a full year in London?
Logan: Yup.
Rory: So when do you move, exactly? The Asia thing....I guess thats on the backburner. (Logan sighs) Do you have to leave the very after day you graduate, or...is there a cushion?
Logan: Stop. Its not happening. Okay? Not yet. Its February, we dont have to think about this right now. Right now it doesnt even exist. Okay? Im not gonna think about it, lets not think about it.
Rory: Okay.
Logan: Take the porsche home, and keep planning Asia.
Rory: You've got all my books with you.
(kisses her cheek, and walks to his father's car, as Lorelai walks towards Rory.)
Lorelai: So, thats Mitchum, huh? Just like I imagined him.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

6.14 You've Been Gilmored

[Rory is talking on the phone, talking to Logan]
Rory: And the decent off campus apartments, are long gone. The ones that are left, make Paris and Doyle's place look like Versailles.
Logan: What are you talking about? Why do you need a place?
Rory: I got elected editor of the Daily News.
Logan: What?!? You did?!?!
Rory: Yes.
Logan: Wow! Finally someone good running that place! Someone great! You're gonna be great.
Rory: Well, hotplate Harriet took it very badly.
Logan: Who's that?
Rory: Paris. She threw all my stuff out into the hallway. So, Im sitting here, guarding it all, until the movers get here.
Logan: Oh, man. Paris...idiot.
Rory: And my books look sad. Can books look sad?
Logan: Look, we'll figure this out. Now, you said you got movers.
Rory: Starving students. How starving can they be if they cant come for five hours after you call. Plus, I heard the guy crunching on something during our call. Sounded like Baked Lays.
Logan: And you've got to nowhere to go, right?
Rory: Right-a-mundo.
Logan: Well...you can move in with me.
Rory: What?
Logan: Move in with me. Paris' place is a hole anyway. I never liked that you lived there, and that Doo-Wopp group downstairs...I dont think they're an honest to goodness singing group.
Rory: Logan, thats really sweet. But I cant move in with you.
Logan: Why not? You're here half the time anyway. You've already got two dresser drawers you call your own. And right now, for a limited time, Ill throw in three more drawers and a set of Gentsu knives.
Rory: Really?
Logan: No, I have no idea where you get Gentsu knives.
Rory: Its kind of a big step, isnt it?
Logan: You need a place, I got the space. It'll be fun. Dont you think it will be fun?
Rory: Fun?
Logan: Come on, Ace. You know what I mean. What do you say?
Rory: Well...I might need just one more drawer. I can put my socks in a shoebox under the bed.
Logan: Is that a yes?
Rory: I guess thats a yes.
Logan: Good. Im calling Colin and Finn. They'll be right over to get your stuff.
Rory: Okay.
Logan: And no shoeboxes. You're getting those drawers.
Rory: I'll take them. [to a woman in the hall] Wait! Wait! [to Logan] Hold on, I gotta take this. [to woman] Okay, get past the hamper, veer left at the mirror. Grab the large pipe at the wall to get yourself to the desk, which you can then go over or under, Ill guide you from there.


[Rory and Chris are outside Logan's apartment]
Chris: Man, did you see the lobby?
Rory: Uh, yeah. Once or twice.
Chris: That was a lobby. And the doorman? Im still going to give him something extra to look after you, by the way.
Rory: You dont have to do that.
Chris: Are you kidding? I love slipping people money to do things. We're here?
Rory: Yeah.
Chris: You got a key, or is it scanning your retina for access?
Rory: Dad...I have to be straight with you about something.
Chris: Oops.
Rory: No. Its just...today was a weird day. It started really great, with me gettingg voted Editor in Chief of my school paper.
Chris: What? You did? Oh, boy, Rory. Thats amazing.
Rory: Thank you, it is. Its just...Paris, my roommate, Paris. She was the editor, um...but when she found out that I was made the new editor...she threw me out.
Chris: What? Do you want me to talk to her?
Rory: No, its fine. Its just, that I had no place to go. So, I moved in with my boyfriend.
Chris: Oh.
Rory: In there.
Chris: Your boyfriend...
Rory: You actually met him once.
Chris: I did?
Rory: At Grandma's vow renewal. He was the guy with the...
Chris: Right.
Rory: Yes.
Chris: When I walked in, and you two...
Rory: Exactly.
Chris: Alright. Why dont we open the door so I can see what my daughter living with her boyfriend looks like.
Rory: Okay.
[they go inside. Logan is sitting on the couch, reading. Rory walks up to him, he takes his headphones off, as she motions behind him.]
Logan: Hey.
Rory: Hi. I tried to call you to let you know we were coming over, but you didnt answer.
Logan: Right, headphones.
Rory: They work.
Logan: Sure do.
Rory: So, Logan, this is my father, Christopher.
Logan: Hi, good to meet you.
Chris: Actually, we've met.
Logan: I know.
Chris: Dont worry about it. Wow, this is some spread.
Logan: Ah, thanks. [whispers to Rory, as Chris looks around] Why's your dad here?
Rory: He wanted to see where I live, what was I supposed to do?
Logan: Yeah, but a little bit of a warning...
Rory: I tried to call you.
Chris: Should I put the headphone on? Because Im right here.
Rory: No, sorry.
Logan: Yeah, sorry.
Chris: I didnt mean to barge in on you like this. I just want to make sure my kid's got a decent place to live, thats all. Hey, so, how do you like the plasma?
Logan: Love it.
CHris: Yeah, Im thinking about getting a 60-inch for the bedroom.
Logan: Well, Ive got a great home theater guy if you need some help.
CHris: I may take you up on that.
Rory: Do you want something to drink, Dad?
Chris: Sure, Ill take a soda if you got one.
Rory: Coming right up.
Chris: Wow, thats a great view. [Logan and Chris walk towards the window]
Logan: Yeah, thats the old campus over there.
Chris: Oh, me and the old campus go way back. Is that? It is. Its Andicott Peabody. Why do you have that? Are you a Groton man?
Logan: Was...briefly. I actually swiped that from the Headmaster's Office on my way out the door.
Chris: I was kicked out of Groton.
Logan: You're kidding.
Chris: Nope, did a semester at St. Sebastian's after that.
Logan: I know several people who got kicked out of St. Sebastian's. My good friend, Colin, was actually banned from coming anywhere within a ten mile radius.
Chris: Impressive.
Rory: Here you go.
Chris: Thank you. After St. Sebastian's, I went on to St. Cybil's.
Logan: I almost went there myself, but I wound up at St. Mark's instead.
Chris: How long did you last there?
Logan: About a week.
Chris: Yeah. They got quite the trigger finger at St. Marks. Ever go to Deerfield?
Logan: Please, Deerfield's for amateurs. I got kicked out of Rivers.
Chris: I didnt think Rivers kicked anybody out.
Logan: Neither did we. But Dean Edlon's miata at the bottom of the Lake Rutherford proved just the ticket.
Chris: Rory, you've got a good man here.
Rory: Interesting yard stick you're using.
CHris: Hey, listen, Logan, we were just going to grab some dinner. You want to come with?
Logan: I dont want to introude.
Rory: No, come.
Logan: Ok, sure. Just let me grab my wallet, and Ill be right with you.
Rory: You're being nice to him.
Chris: He's a cool guy.
Rory: Listen. I havent had a chance to tell Mom about this yet. Its not a big deal, it just happened so fast, so just...
Chris: I got it.
Rory: Im going to tell her about it today.
Chris: You tell her. Im gonna go TV shopping.
Logan: Ok...Rich Man's Shoe.
Rory: Where else?
Chris: Rich Man's Shoe?
Rory: Best burgers within walking distance.
Logan: We have very high culinary standards here at Yale.
Chris: Woah. Is that the new XBOX 360? OKay. Im totally moving in here with you.


[Lorelai is on the phone with Chris when Rory calls]
Lorelai: Hey kid, whats going on?
Rory: Not much. Having a bad reaction to an onion brick.
Lorelai: What part of onion brick do you not understand?
Rory: I gave Dad his tour today.
Lorelai: Yeah, it was nice.
Rory: It was nice. He saw the campus, we had dinner.
Lorelai: Aw, how very 7th Heaven of you.
Rory: Listen, I have some news. Two pieces of news, actually. One is good, and one is...lets say, interesting.
Lorelai: Oh, intrigue.
Rory: Well, first. I was made the new editor of the Yale Daily News.
Lorelai: No, really? Rory! Thats awesome!
Rory: It is awesome.
Lorelai: My God, I didnt even know you were up for the job.
Rory: I wasnt, actually. It all kind of happened at the last minute.
Lorelai: Hey, wasnt Paris the editor?
Rory: Yes, she was. Which brings me to my next piece of news.
Lorelai: Okay.
Rory: Paris was ousted. and when she found out that I had taken her place, she kind of kicked me out of the apartment.
Lorelai: Well, sure.
Rory: So, I had no place to live, and there were absolutely no apartments to rent anywhere near campus...so, I moved in with Logan.
Lorelai: Wow. Big news.
Rory: Yeah.
Lorelai: Well, geez. Tell me about his place, is it nice?
Rory: Oh, yeah, its really nice.
Lorelai: Where is it?
Rory: The Taft building, right off campus. Top floor.
Lorelai: Top floor, cool. Good view?
Rory: Great view.
Lorelai: Awesome. How many rooms?
Rory: Dad told you, didnt he?
Lorelai: Oh, come on. I was doing so well.
Rory: Please.
Lorelai: How did you know?
ROry: Are you kidding me? Hows the view? Is it nice? You didnt call me Hester Prynne once.
Lorelai: Dont be mad thing. He was just trying to do the Dad thing. He hated it by the way
Rory: Im not mad.
Lorelai: Good.
Rory: So...
Lorelai: So what?
Rory: So, what do you think of me moving in with Logan?
Lorelai: Im sorry, do you remember what happened the last time I piped in with my opinion on your life choices?
Rory: Mom, come on.
Lorelai: You dont want to make sure the poolhouse is clean first?
Rory: Mom.
Lorelai: Ok, well. Moving in, thats pretty big.
Rory: I know.
Lorelai: I mean, I dont know. Ive never lived with a guy. And there' that whole thing with the cow, and the milks free. I guess I would hate to think that you really moved in with him because there was a housing shortage. Because Its a big step.
Rory: I love him.
Lorelai: Well, I want you to be happy.
Rory: I am happy. Really happy.
Lorelai: Well okay, then. Congratulations. Big day.
Rory: Thanks.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

6.13 Friday Night's Alright for Fights

[Rory is walking through the campus, writing as she walks, not paying attention.]
Logan: Stop!
[She stops walking right in front of a garbage can]
Logan: Look.
Rory: I dont remember that being there yesterday.
Logan: Yesterday you came from the other way, so you missed the trash can, but you almost took out the bike rack.
Rory: Thank God I have a guardian angel hanging out by a coffee kiosk
Logan: Well, its the only place thats safe to stand with a maniac like you walking around. Plus, here I am guaranteed to run into you at least three times a day. [hands her a cup] Your usual.
Rory: You've been hanging out at this coffee cart everyday for a week.
Logan: Yes, its sad. Im officially a wuss. If I saw me doing this, Id beat the crap out of myself.
Rory: You have nothing better to do with your time?
Logan: Nothing better than to try and get you back? Nope.
Rory: You're too slick for your own good, Huntzberger.
Logan: Excuse me, but this is not slick. This is a Nora Ephron movie. Louie Armstrong should be worbling while we talk. So, come on, please, put me out of my misery. You promised you'd let me take you to dinner.
Rory: How about Thursday night?
Logan: Really?
Rory: Yeah. I'll have turned in my article for the Daily News, and my Friday morning history class is cancelled this week.
Logan: Ok, great. Thursday night it is. 7:30. And do not think of backing out, because I will cry, and eat a pint of Rocky Road, while watching An Affair to Remember with Rita Wilson.
Rory: Of course.
Logan: 7:30?
Rory: Cant wait. [she walks away]
Logan: Eyes on the road!!


[Rory is issuing orders to the Daily News staff]
Staffer: Computer crashed again!
Rory: Unplug it, and plug it back in. If that doesnt work, call IT and get someone over here now. [at Logan] Oh my God, our date. I am so sorry. Paris melted down, and everyone quit, and...and the paper wasnt going to come out. And I only found out about it because no one called me to confirm they got my story. So, I called in all these healers, and I got Sheila and Joanie to come in, and I called in Pete, who said he was sick. But I threatened his job, so he came in. But he was really sick, so I had to send home, so he didnt get anyone else sick. Plus, the printers are trying to give our time away, the computers keep crashing, and then theres this tiny detail of nothing's done, and D-Day the paper came out, and...I forgot. Im sorry.
Logan: I cant believe you didnt call me.
Rory: I know...but its just paper stuff.
Logan: I know, Im on the paper.
Rory: You hate it here.
Logan: So what? I know this crap backwards and forwards. I cant believe you didnt even think to call me.
Rory: Well...Im sorry. I just didnt think you were interested.
Logan: Well, then I guess you dont know everything, now do you? So come on, what do you got here?
Rory: Well, this is an article on Greenspan. He gave this interview with all this technical, economic jargon.
Logan: I know the jargon. Ill take this. Are these proofed?
Rory: Yeah, but they're not typed in yet.
Logan: Ill do that. It will be faster. I type 90 words a minute.
Rory: You do?
Logan: You really did only like me for my looks, huh? How are you doing on content?
Rory: Still a little short.
Logan: Ok, Ive got a couple of stories banked that I didnt give Paris, they're in pretty decent shape, we can make do with that.
Rory: Okay.
Logan: And remember, if you're still short on space, just cannonballize everything for Friday's issue, and use it for tonight's.
Rory: Robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Logan: Peter's asking for it. Ok, so who do we have desking?
Rory: Bill.
Logan: Id put Sheila on it with him. She will hurt his ego and make him work faster. Ok? I'll be over here if you need me. And [to Bill] get that yo-yo off the floor. Someone's gonna break their neck.
[Logan walks away, Rory smiles after him]


[The staff is gathered around Rory and Logan, as they are trying to get the paper out]
Rory: Did we verify the Dean of Admissions quote?
Logan: Twice. How are we doing on time?
Bill: Uh...bad.
Logan: [annoyed] More specifically?
Sheila: Ten minutes.
Rory: We'll make it.
Logan: We will make it. Spelling on names. Cheever's name? C-H-
Sheila: E-E-V-E-R-S.
Logan: You're sure about the double e's?
Sheila: Not at all.
Logan: Two e's it is. Okay, and Im done.
Rory: Close it out. I'll cut and paste it to the final copy.
Logan: Closing out. [leans towards Rory] Wow! So, thats what hard work feels like, apparently Ive been avoiding it for a reason. You in, Ace?
Rory: Im in, proceeding with the cut and paste, now.
[phone rings]
Bill: The Daily News....
Logan: Oh, man.
Rory: Why are you smiling?
Logan: Im just picturing the hundreds of different ways you owe me for this.
Rory: I owe you nothing. You did this for the greater good. For the glory of the paper
Logan: For a foot massage.
Staffer: Are we close?
Rory: We are close.
Bill: Well, kids, hold on to your hats, we are loosing our printing time.
Rory: No!! Remind Russell about the Christmas card.
Bill: I dont think he cares. He's giving it to The Current.
Rory: He cant!
Bill: He did.
Rory: Oh, so thats it? We just lose? After all this work, we just lose?
Logan: Keep typing, Ace.
Rory: Why? Whats the point?
Logan: Type! [takes the phone from Bill]
Bill: Well, Ill guess you'll be talking on the phone now.
Logan: Go away, Bill. [into the phone] Hey, who am I speaking with?...Russell. Im Logan Huntzberger....yes, those Huntzbergers. Its great to speak with you, too. I hear there's a problem with our printing time...uh huh....no, I completely understand. The first thing I learned from my father is that there's no paper unless it gets to the printer on time...yes, he is quite a legend, my father. Id love to introduce you to him sometime...anyway, Russell, the thing is, we actually sent the issue to you already....oh....yes, at least fifteen minutes ago. Now, if you're having a problem with your server, we shouldnt be penalized for that, right?...yeah, it should be in the system right now...yeah, go check. [Rory motions to him] But before you do, if you could spell your name, I want to have the correct pronunciation when I speak with my father. Uh huh, Russell. Damn! My pen broke. Hold on, Im looking for a pen. Looking for a pen, looking for a pen....
ROry: Almost there.
Logan: Ok, I found a pen. Here we go, now whats your name? Russell Smith? [laughs] Well, I really didnt need a pen for that one, now did I? Ok, Russell Smith, if you go to your computer, I am definitely, absolutely sure that you will turn it on, and you will see that we, the Yale Daily News have successfully completed our mission, and sent you our email containing the latest issue of the....its all there, man.
Rory: What? Whats happening?
Logan: You got it? Alright, great. Its been great speaking with you, too. I'll tell my father. Bye [hangs up the phone] And thats how we do it at the Daily News! [everyone cheers]
Paris: [emerging from her office] Alright! We got the paper out, thats what Im talking about, people. Good hustle. Really good hustle! And they said we couldnt do it. Boy, what a rush, right?
Rory: So, Im just saying that when that giant asteroid heads toward earth, I want you in that fighter jet.
Logan: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Rory: You saved my ass.
Logan: Infinitely worth saving.
Rory: Thank you.
Logan: You're welcome.
[She kisses him]
Rory: Im sorry we didnt get our dinner.
Logan: We didnt? [she shakes her head, no] Ah. I thought that we did. [opens his desk and pulls out a bag, whine, candles and a glass].
Rory: Boy, when you're on...